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Goldenrod (Solidago spp.) 
Goldenrod6.jpg (52142 bytes) Goldenrod comes in a variety forms, but all have clusters, spikes, or bunches of yellow flowers that appear in the late summer.  Noting the shape of the flower cluster helps identify species.   Contrary to popular belief, goldenrods are not a big player in the allergy season.  They just happen to bloom in a big way at the same time less conspicuous plants are actually floating their own troublesome pollen.  Goldenrod pollen is designed to be spread by insects, not the wind.  Seeds, on the hand, are designed to travel with the wind and readily pioneer disturbed places.  Leaves are usually much longer than wider.  Plants may stand 2-3 feet tall.  Whole fields can become embazoned in gold during peak bloom.  Michigan easily has at least two dozen species.   Classification varies from author to author. 
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yellow_flower_md_wht.gif Return to the Yellow Flower Page, or to the Michigan Invasive Plant Council home page.

This website is maintained by Bill Cook in cahoots with the Michigan Invasive Plant Council (MIPC).  The MIPC is a loose group of folks (not necessarily a group of loose folks!) working to make information available about invasive plants in Michigan and related issues.  If you have questions or comments about the information on this page, contact Bill

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