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Spotted Knapweed (Centaurea maculosa) 

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There's about 11 species of knapweed in Michigan, all are exotics from Europe or the Mediterranean region.  The leaves tend to be a sage-green color.  C. maculosa may be the most aggressive of the species, but other species cause problems, too.  Another good plant to eradicate where ever you find them.  In addition to looking like wild bergamot (a native species), knapweeds might also be confused with thistles. 




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This website is maintained by Bill Cook in cahoots with the Michigan Invasive Plant Council (MIPC).  The MIPC is a loose group of folks (not necessarily a group of loose folks!) working to make information available about invasive plants in Michigan and related issues.  If you have questions or comments about the information on this page, contact Bill

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