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Milkweeds (Asclepias syriaca and A. incarnata) 

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Milkweeds have pretty cool flowers if you take a close look at them.  The flowers aren't "normal" with a pair of whorls pointed in opposite directions from each other.  The light, silky seeds are released from split, dried pods in late summer, a familiar sight to many.  All but one species have milky, sticky sap and are oppositely-branched.  There are about a dozen species in Michigan.  All are native.  Two are on the Michigan "threatened" species list and one is on the Michigan "endangered" species list.  The common milkweed (A. syriaca) is host to monarch butterflies.  It's what you usually see when you spot milkweeds.  Swamp milkweed (A. incarnata) has the prettiest flowers, a much deeper purple.

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daisy_button_blue_md_wht.gif  Return to the Purple Flower Page, or to the Michigan Invasive Plant Council home page.

This website is maintained by Bill Cook in cahoots with the Michigan Invasive Plant Council (MIPC).  The MIPC is a loose group of folks (not necessarily a group of loose folks!) working to make information available about invasive plants in Michigan and related issues.  If you have questions or comments about the information on this page, contact Bill

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